We’ve all tried to figure out what women want. Men, on the other hand, are far simpler creatures to decode.

Here’s what we can tell you though. Seven lines that we men love to hear. Go on, make us happy!
Got Beer? Let’s Drink!
There's nothing better than a girl who enjoys a pint just as much as she enjoys a fancy cocktail. A couple of cold ones, fresh pizza, a comfortable couch and there's heaven right there.
You are perfect!
Feel free to add multiple body parts to end of that sentence. Even if we have beer bellies, we’d like to know you like us the way we are – lazy yet perfect slobs!
I don’t like shopping!
Awesome! We love you for saying that. No more standing outside women’s wear trial rooms holding your dresses and leggings. Freedom personified and served neat!
Take some ‘time off’!
Yaay! Off we go to the ‘boys only’ trip we’ve been secretly planning behind your back. We’d love it if you’d leave us alone every once in a while so that we can brag about you to other guys.
It’s my fault
Those three magical words mean more to us than anything you will ever say. Keep at it. Sometimes, take our portion of the blame too.
Let’s get naughty!
If you are in a relationship with me, please go ahead and get frisky! We are ok with being mentally undressed and objectified.
Let’s shop for video games!
Boys love toys. Here's a friendly reminder, nothing says I love you more than a PS4 with a big bow on it.
I'm not the jealous type
Please excuse us while we go and thank the high heavens for letting us find the perfect woman. We love that you aren't threatened by other women.
Feel free to add any more lines you think will help save ‘mankind’. Tell us in the comments below!