Saturday 23 February 2013

10 Daily Habits To Increase Mind Power ♥
The human brain is said to be the most advanced and capable machine. Here are 10 Ways to increase Mind Power -:

1. Go for a walk with a friend.
That means walking with a friend so that you talk as you walk. Social connection, physical exercise and mental stimulation are the brain strengtheners.

2. Solve Puzzles, Play Games
Playing a game of Sudoku or attempting to solve a difficult crossword sets your brain cells in action. Doctors often advise people who report focus problems to play a video game for few minutes everyday to boost brain’s ability to focus on one thing at a time.

3. Meditate
Meditation is easier said than done. But if you could include it in your everyday routine and practice it diligently, it would go a long way in giving you a better memory help to make a better brain.

4. Eat healthy
Our diets have a HUGE impact on brain functioning. Our brains consume over 20% of all nutrients & oxygen that we consume so remember to feed your brain with the good and healthy Stuff.

5. Think positive
Stress and anxiety kills existing brain neurons and also stop new neurons from being created. Research has shown that positive thinking, especially in the future tense, speeds up the creation of cells and dramatically reduces stress & anxiety. Try and get a handle on negative thoughts and makes an effort to leave them and change it to positive ones.

6. Laugh It Up
Laughter causes a natural release of the brain’s endorphins chemicals that drown out pain and increase overall wellbeing. Laughter is a well known, natural stress reducer. Watch a comedy, crack a joke, and increase those endorphin levels.

7. Listen To Music
Studies have proven that listening to music strengthens the right-hemisphere of the brain and literally changes the structure. Those same studies have found that people who listen to the music are generally much smarter and have more emotional intelligence than those who don’t.

8. Do Self-Hypnosis
The power of hypnotic suggestion is definitely real. You can change aspects of your thought process and learn to shift your focus by taking the time to do some self-hypnosis. Hypnosis research shows that by practicing hypnosis, an individual experiences lowered stress, increased pain tolerance, and clear thinking.

9. Set Goals
Setting goals activates areas of the brain associated with positive thinking and action. Setting goals is great for achieving success and prosperity in life and boosting your brain.

10. Follow a Sleep and Wake up Routine
One day you are night owl and other day, you wake up at 5. This randomness of your sleep pattern is neither good for your body nor for your brain. Better Sleep makes your mind healthy . Sleep sound, wake up fresh and try to stick to a routine.

Thursday 21 February 2013

11 things children don't learn in school (This should be posted in every school or kid's bedroom)

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about
eleven (11) things they did not and will not learn in school.
Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2 : The world doesn't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something
BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school.
You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping:
They called it opportunity.
Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault,
so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring
as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,
cleaning your clothes and listening to you
talk about how cool you thought you were:
So before you save the rain forest
from the parasites of your parent's generation,
try delousing the closet in your own room..
Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers,
but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades
and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.
*This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters.
You don't get summers off and very few employers
are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF.
*Do that on your own time.
Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life.
In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds.
Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Friday 15 February 2013

7 Deadly Dating Mistakes

Let’s cut to the chase. Women are awesome! Dating women, spending time with women,being surrounded by women is awesome.
Unless you’re trapped in the “friend zone”…
Then being around women can be torture. You are in a prison and beautiful women are the guards. They are all around you, but you can’t reach through the bars to touch them.
dating mistakes

I have been where you are. But I escaped. And now I can help you arrange your own prison break.
The thing about this escape is that it’s not about what you should do; it’s about what you must not do. If you can avoid these seven deadly dating sins, then you can have a life worth living.

Avoid These Dating Mistakes Like the Plague

1. Being Too Eager
You want a girl. You want to date her. But if you get too excited and push too hard you will kill her attraction for you. Wood needs two things to burn, fire and oxygen. If you cover her with your fire, she can’t get any oxygen and will pull back just to be able to breathe.
Give her the space to fall for you. Let her know you are interested but don’t go for the full court press.
2. Acting Like a Child
As children we hold our mom’s hand and let her lead us everywhere. She tells us what to do and where to go. We are used to letting a woman lead us around.
Do not do this with a woman you’re attracted to. Every time she leads you through a club or picks the restaurant or movie, a little part of her attraction for you dies. She will stop feeling like your girlfriend and start feeling like your mommy.
Women like men of action; decision-makers, trigger-pullers. If you can’t pick a restaurant, how are you going to protect her when there is a noise downstairs in the middle of the night?
Stop acting like a child. Start acting like a man.
3. Over-Thinking
You like a girl. You spend months planning out the perfect way to ask her out. But the day before you do, some random dude just walks up and asks her out. Now they’ve been dating for months and are talking about getting married. And you get to cry yourself to sleep at night.
Ninety-percent of dating is actually about taking action.
You wouldn’t believe how often ...
a man sees a woman he likes and does nothing because he is busy thinking of thousands of scenarios. He wants to start with the perfect pickup line to make her fall for him. Or he’s holding his phone trying to craft the perfect text.
Not taking action is a form of action; the wrong form.
4. Letting Fear Hold You Back
Just like over-thinking, fear can freeze you. At every phase of a relationship, fear can murder you. What if you walk up to a woman in a bar and say hello and then she stabs you? I’ve imagined that. You’re talking to her and want to hold her hand but then she might freak out and run screaming into the dark of night.
You are afraid to tell her you like her. You chicken out on asking her to prom.
There is nothing more unattractive than a man who is afraid.
If you just start taking action, if you put fear in your pocket and ignore it, your life will change dramatically.
5. Putting Her On a Pedestal
Nobody wants to be worshipped. I once had a friend who said a girl could never be too needy. So I set him up with the neediest girl I knew. He loved it for a few weeks but then he dumped her because she kept saying how she didn’t deserve him.
Women don’t want a groveler. They want a partner and a leader.
If you keep telling her she’s out of your league, eventually she will start to believe you!
And then she will dump you.
6. Having a Gross Apartment
I shouldn’t have to say this but your bathroom is probably disgusting. Almost every time a girl comes over, she will ask to use the bathroom before she gets kinky. And when she sees a black ring in that toilet, she is going to head for the hills.
Girls are more aware of cleanliness than men and a dirty apartment can freak them out. I know guys who won’t take a girl home when they realize their apartment isn’t clean. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Clean your place. It’s the easiest thing in the world. Turn your home base into your ally.
7. Making Your Life Revolve Around Women
What do you think happens when you go out hunting for women seven nights a week and you finally get a girlfriend? Suddenly, all your plans are cancelled. Your life becomes empty. Now all your plans revolve around hanging out with her.
Think of a new hobby. Fast!
Girls want to be with a man who has an amazing life. You need to start building that now. If you don’t have other things in your life besides your charm, all your relationships will die after a few weeks.

Be a Man Who Acts On His Intentions

You know who you are and you know what you want. And now you know what mistakes to avoid on the path to your destination. If you stay the course you can have long and amazing relationships.
Avoid these deadly pitfalls and you can have the girlfriend of your dreams.

13 Reasons You're Not As Successful As You Should Be

Feeling down about your small business these days? Is the broken economy hurting your sales and keeping you up at night? Need some motivation and tough love to help you stop pitying yourself? Well, here you go: 13 reasons you might have in your head about why you're not as successful as you should be.

#1 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Laziness

I don’t think there’s an easy way to put this. I have to assume that you’re lazy. Every single successful person works their butts off to get where they are. It’s ok to be lazy. Just admit it. But don’t whine about not being rich and successful, ok?

#2 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Entitlement

Only a few people in the world are part of the lucky sperm club. You and me? We gotta work to get what we want. Quit thinking you are owed something. You’re not. Get to work.

#3 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Fear

You are afraid, plain and simple. Afraid of looking silly. Afraid of what your friends and family will say. Afraid of everything. Look, you’re either going to stop being afraid, or you’re not. Nobody can convince you to stop. Imagine though... what awaits you when you stop with the fear excuses?

#4 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Negativity

You may not realize it, but the people you associate with might be negative [orifices]. They could be soul-sucking beings who don’t want anyone to be successful. Get rid of them, now! Surround yourself with successful people. People you want to be like.

#5 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Stop Thinking

How much do you want to bet you have paralysis by analysis? You think way too much about what you could or should do. Doers get what they want, and everyone else gets what they get. Stop analyzing and start doing.

#6 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – No Goals

You plan nothing. You believe that someway, somehow, everything you always wanted will just magically happen. So you “play it by ear” and wait. You need goals to shoot for. Otherwise, you’re just treading water.

#7 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – “They”

There’s no “they”. There’s no secret group of people that controls your success or failure. You’ve made that up to make you feel better about yourself. The truth is you, and you alone, control your success in life/business/everything. It’s easy to blame “them” though, isn’t it? Weak.

#8 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – No “X” Factor

You can’t do it because you’re not pretty enough. Or don’t have a strong personality? You don’t have the “X” factor? Wow, what an unbelievably lame excuse. The truth is even jerks, idiots and boring people can be just as successful as anyone else. Your problem is you don’t believe it yet.

#9 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Time Waste

You’re a classic time-waster. You spend hours and hours every day working on not-working. You do things that aren’t productive. How are you ever going to get anything done, or reach any goal if you keep wasting time? You’re not. So you might as well give up now if you’re going to keep this path.

#10 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Social B.S.

You spend way too much time in social media land.  You waste probably about 50% of your productive hours of the day doing this. The sad part is, you know it, but you can’t stop. So you can’t get anything done that matters.

#11 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Think Small

You think way too small. You are constantly looking only a day or a week ahead instead of years ahead. Because of this, you never get anywhere, and you never lead; you always follow.

#12 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Don’t Want It

You don’t really want to be successful. Sure, you like to dream about it like everyone else. But in your heart you are afraid of what might happen if you really get it. That’s B.S. fear your brain is feeding you. Success is change, and it feels really, really good. Tell your brain to shut the [foolishness] up.

#13 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Don’t Believe

You never believed that it’s possible. Society taught you that only a few “exceptional” people get what they want. Everyone else should just settle. If you really want to believe that, go ahead. The rest of us will be at the front of the line because we believe.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Twin sisters are born and are completely different races. ♥


21-year-old Kylie Hodgson of Nottingham, England, is half-black, half-white. So's her partner, 19-year-old Remi Horder. Back in 2006, they conceived twins. And when the twin girls were born, one was black... and one was white. Remee is blonde and white; Kian is black.

Since both Kylie and Remi are mixed race, when the two eggs were conceived, the one that became Remee inherited all of the white genes from the family, and Kian inherited all of the black genes.

The odds of this happening are at least a million to one.

Monday 11 February 2013

10 simple things that make us happy

10 simple things that make us happy
It's the little things in life that give us the greatest moments of happiness, a new survey has revealed.

The researchers found that nothing can beat the burst of pleasure you get on at discovering a forgotten 20-pound note in the pocket of an old coat.

The next best thrill is being notified that you've won a prize in a competition which you'd forgotten even entering.

There's a real feeling of relief and happiness when you wake up after a night on the tiles and find you haven't got a trace of a hangover.

Climbing aboard a crowded train and spotting the one spare seat is another uplifting moment, and there is a glow in stepping on the bathroom scales to find you've lost even as little as half a pound.

All these were among the moments of unexpected pleasure picked out in a survey by comparison site MoneySupermarket which looked at the nation's happiness levels as many battle the January blues.

As part of the study, laundrette users were each given 20 pounds and told by staff it had been found in their pocket.

The study revealed all of the "lucky" customers kept the money rather than handing it back. Some of the recipients even made out they knew they had left money in their pockets.

According to those surveyed, among the other moments that perk up life are getting an unexpected refund, saving money on bills, finding money in a supermarket automated till and getting to the till to discover that an item has been marked down.

"January can be a tough time for a lot of people, so it's vital to save where you can. It's worthwhile taking the time to see what little triumphs or 'mini-wins' you can achieve by reviewing household bills and everyday spending," the Daily Express quoted Clare Francis of MoneySupermarket as saying.

"Saving money feels great, so people should think about ways they can cut back. The small savings all add up and can make you feel really good at the same time," Francis added.

The little successes that get you jumping for joy are:

1. Discovering money you didn't know you had or finding 20 pounds in an old coat

2. Winning a competition you forgot you entered

3. Getting a refund or rebate you didn't know was due

4. Saving money on household bills

5. Finding a 10-pound winning lottery ticket

6. Going to the till at the shops and realising your item has been marked down

7. Losing 1/2lb

8. Finding money in a supermarket self-service checkout

9. Not having a hangover after a big night out

10. Getting a seat on the train into work

Things a guy will not tell you

Five things a guy will not tell you

Guys do not tell everything to the girl they are going out 

with. Here is a list you should keep in mind...

Wondering what guys like in girls? Racking your brains 

thinking what they are actually thinking? What should you do 

to make sure he likes you? Do these questions bother you a 

lot? Well, we have made a list of things that young men on 

the right side of 25 like to keep to themselves, when it comes 

to their girls. So go on discover the secrets boyfriends like to keep...

They love the 'boyfriend' tag

Contrary to popular belief guys love being in love too. They like the boyfriend tag and no, all boys are definitely not the immature types who are scared of being committed.

They don't like games after a commitment

When a guy opens his heart to you it would be very wrong to keep playing the 'hard-to-get' games. Avoid it. When a girl pulls away the guy will too and soon the relationship will be over so it's better to avoid the psychological tug of war.

They'd want their friends to like you

Approval of friends is something that is big for a guy and they would like it if their friends like you. However, they are scared that their friends might covet you. This is something you totally have no control over at all but then guys do get more secure as they get older. If you've ever been dumped by a guy who you thought really liked you shortly after meeting his friends take comfort in the fact that you were probably just too hot for him to handle.

Don't love their friends; like them

Of course they do not want you to ditch them for their friends and they don't want you to go out of your way to get their friends to like you because they want your energy focused on them all the time. As long as their friends and you can hang out without incident the boyfriend in them is happy.

They worry that they will lose you

People keep writing about how to keep a guy interested in you but actually when a guy likes you then it is not hard at all. Actually it is the guys who are worried that you might dump them. Just be his girlfriend and he is happy!



Obesity can RISK your health,Reduce your Weight by Natural Way- 10 Effective Home Remedies for Losing Weight ~

1) Fruits and green vegetables are low caloriefoods, so over weight persons should use these more frequently.

2) One should avoid intake of too much salt. Salt may be a factor for increasing the body weight.

3) Milk products like cheese, butter should be avoided because these are rich in fat. Meat and non-vegetarian foods should also be avoided.

4) Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.

5) Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful for loosing weight.

6) Taking of honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body and puts it into circulation, which is utilized as energy for normal functions. One should start with small quantity of about 10 GMs. or a table spoonful to be taken with hot water. It is good to take it in early morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.

7) Cabbage is considered to be an effective remedy for loosing weight. This vegetable inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. It can be taken raw or cooked.

8) Exercise is an important part of weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat. In addition, it also relieves tension and tones up the muscles of the body. Walking is thebest exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming, rowing.

9) Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction. Juice of a lime mixed in a glass of warm water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

10) Measure the portions of your food every meal and make sure that the portions are small. For example one portion of rice should not be more than the quantity which can fit in your fist. Smaller meals at a regular interval of 4 to 5 hours will keep your metabolism high and prevent your body from converting the food you intake into fat. You must also include regular exercise
in your daily routine to help enhance weight reduction.

Sunday 10 February 2013

7 Dangerous Acts after Meal

1. Don’t smoke —- Experiments from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher)

2. Don’t eat fruits immediately — Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. There fore take fruits 1 -2 hours after meal or 1 hour before meal.

3. Don’t drink tea—— Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hundred thus difficult to digest.

4. Don’t loosen your belt———- Loosening the belt after meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted and blocked.

5. Don’t bathe———- ——- Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease, this will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6. Don’t walk about———- — People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

7. Don’t sleep immediately—- ——– The food we intake will not be to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric and infection in our intestine.

Friday 1 February 2013

The Bittersweet Truth: Rihanna and Chris Brown together again

They could sing the sweetest duet and it still would be hard to find anything beautiful about the music Chris Brown and Rihanna make together. Let alone the thought that the two of them would actually get back together. That collaboration, you would expect would be completely unpalatable.
The Bittersweet Truth: Rihanna and Chris Brown together again

“He doesn’t have the luxury of f**king up again. That’s just not an option.”
Unfortunately, it is something that her fans have to get used to. However, it doesn’t stop anyone from asking her the same question that we’ve all been asking since late last year.

Why, Rihanna?

Ever since she was seen cozying up to her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown, again late last year, fans have all wished for to respond. But now, after months of denying reconciliation rumours, Rihanna has finally confirmed she is back together with her former sweetheart/assaulter. No one ever wanted to see her back with Chris Brown. Not three years after Brown brutally beat Rihanna, threatened to kill her and left her with a black eye and bloodied nose. It seems essentially wrong, especially even after the kind of music that two have been making (for which Rihanna received flak too). Take for instance Rihanna’s single ‘Birthday Cake’, where Chris Brown announces, amid aggressive, explicit language, that he wants to, “Give it to her in the worst way, can’t wait to blow her candles out.”It doesn’t stop there. In fact, Rihanna, in her contribution to Brown’s Turn up the Music, sings, “Turn up the music. Turn me up and take me down.” The song closes with her coy giggle. It clearly seems that love is blind but in this case also makes you numb.

"I decided it was more important for me to be happy," says Rihanna upon being asked whether she is afraid that her public image might get ruined. I read parts of interviews with various magazines and it clearly seems that she is visibly less concerned of the violent act that Brown inflicted on her and more concerned that his heart wasn’t in the right place. He was taking her for granted and the only way to make him realize how much he actually needed her was to cut him loose. That, according to her was the whole point of ‘breaking up’ with him. We take it that the breakup worked. Maybe it snapped Chris Brown into shape and put his heart ‘back into place’.  In fact she even seems very happy and confident with the decision and this time apparently, she’s keeping him on a much shorter leash this “He doesn’t have the luxury of f**king up again. That’s just not an option.”

I can’t claim to have a crystal ball, but I do foresee great wailing and gnashing of teeth about Rihanna’s decision and the only argument that seems plausible here is the whole ‘he is a changed man now’. We have lived by and believed that change is the only constant. We live in a society where, even when a man commits a crime, people believe that he can change.  If we didn’t believe in the potential for personal change, thousands of therapists, self-help authors, life coaches, marriage counselors and countless other change agents wouldn’t exist. So, while she believes in the ‘new person’, she’s also laying the law down for Chris publicly something. She reveals that Chris would never want to go back to being the person who made such a terrible mistake with her. Ultimately, taking onus for the choices she is making, Rihanna says “I wasn't going to let anybody's opinion get in the way of that. Even if it's a mistake, it's my mistake. After being tormented for so many years, being angry and dark, I'd rather just live my truth and take the backlash. I can handle it."

Ultimately, Rihanna has decided she wants to be with her “true love” and Chris wants to be with her. That’s THEIR decision. So, should we just let them be and believe that it’s a mature decision of a very courageous woman? Or will her decision have bigger repercussions and it’s a just another disaster waiting to happen? Well, for the moment we should just hope for her sake that whatever she thinks, believes and feels…turns out to be true.