Wednesday 1 May 2013

Things You Must Stop Doing To Yourself


The proclivity of blaming others for the pain and sufferings that we go through is a trait found in most of us.
However, the fact of the matter is that most of the times it’s our own behavior that is to be blamed for all the wrongs in our lives. You can always start afresh and embark on a new journey.
GooogleFacts tell you about things that you must stop doing to yourself, which have been holding you back and doing no good to you.

Stop Holding Grudges


Believe us, it would never help. Stop living your life with a heart full of hate. It will affect you more than the person you actually hate. Better let go of him/her, and stop letting others ruin your happiness.

Stop Blaming Others


Remind yourself that you and only you are responsible for the situation you find yourself in. Stop blaming others for your problems and better go ahead and fix things for yourself.

Stop Spending Money You Don’t Have


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Borrowing money and living life on credit cards must be on your ‘stop-doing-right now’ list. Only spend the money you earn or own. There’s nothing wrong in enjoying all the luxuries of life, provided the money is yours.

Stop Being Judgemental


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Why waste time judging others? Let’s stop being so judgmental and crucifying everyone else who doesn’t seem to fit into our scheme of things. Rather focus your attention in bettering your life.

Stop Hanging Out With Wrong People


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You are known by the company you keep. Stop spending time with people who suck happiness out of your life. Be in the company of those who inspire you to achieve greater heights.

Stop Living In The Past


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Past is history, future is mystery; this time is a gift and that’s why it’s called present. Stop wasting time living in the past; rather strive to make your present beautiful.

Stop Being Negative


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Negativity affects you negatively. Period. Embrace positivity in your life with open arms and stop being negative.

Stop Being Idle


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Life is too short. Make the most of it by using every moment productively. Stop being idle and make sure you execute your plans in time.

Stop Being Jealous


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Jealousy leads you nowhere. Explore ways so that others are jealous of you. And that is only possible if you stop being jealous of others.

Stop Lying To Yourself


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We love to live in denial. Although it’s not possible to lie to ourselves, yet we continue to live in a make-believe world. So stop lying to yourself, and then only you can make your life more meaningful.
Stop doing the above-mentioned things and see the magic for yourself. You would pretty soon realise that life was never so beautiful.

7 Things That Kill Creativity

Creativity is not something that can be bought at a grocery store. It is an in-built quality found in most of us.
And it is usually up to us to hone it. However, just like exposure to loud noises affects our hearing, exposure to certain things affects our creativity. Here is a list of 7 things that prevent you from being creative.

Working Round The Clock

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Anytime anyone asks your friends, mom, girlfriend or wife about your whereabouts, the one answer they always receive is, “Oh, he is at work.” Be it weekends, public holidays or late nights, you’re someone who people look up to. When they talk about you, they say, “Oh, he is like a machine. You will find him at his desk even if you call him at 3 in the morning.” No, it doesn’t mean you’re being creative or productive. In fact, you could be doing more harm than good to both your career and company. People who work themselves to the bone aren’t necessarily at their creative best most of the time. You ought to take enough breaks. You need to learn to balance your work and life. To keep your mind fresh and full of ideas, you need to take time off to travel, restrict your work timings. It will help you refuel.


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Sometimes a little stress is good. It gets the blood pumping through your body and it pushes you to do your best. But when stress gets a little too much, it hampers your productivity and prevents you from doing your best. So every time you feel that you’re getting stressed, do things to calm down, get your balance back, leave what you’re doing, and go home. If that is not possible, close your eyes, take deep breaths and think of happy things.

Nine-to-five Monotony

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A routine is boring. Why do you think they call anything routine a donkey’s job? Suppose your job involves designing web pages. If you do it day in and day out, it kills the uniqueness of the job. It becomes mechanical instead of being creative and fun. Break the pattern - enroll yourself in a quick designing course. a simple thing like changing your work timings could work too; change the machine you work on; swap places with your colleague. The idea is to break the monotony. Do whatever it takes to get your mojo back.

Get Out Of The Box

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If someone stuffs a bunch of roses in a tight box, what do you think is going to happen? They will die, no matter how beautiful and fresh they looked before. Being stuck in a cubicle is kind of like that. You need to come out of the four walls, leave your mahogany desk and cushioned-chair behind. Ideas will never come to you if you don’t have a change of setting. You need to switch your brain off, let it relax, recuperate. Once the brain is off pressure, it will come up with ideas on its own, because believe it or not, there is a lot of work going on in there without our knowledge.

Social Awkwardness

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If you’re not saying even a “hello” to your colleague in the adjoining chair when he arrives in the morning, then you’re surely missing out on something. An occasional chat or a friendly banter will enhance your mood and creativity. If you talk to people with different backgrounds, experiences and cultures, it might just help you open up your mind. Not only that, you also have the opportunity to make new friends who may help you out when you need to come up with a new brand building activity or a brand name within 24 hours.

Political Drama

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Once you get embroiled in office politics, you can forget about creativity. Petty fights, acrid gossips, and backbiting: all of these things can kill creativity in a second. So stay away from all this nonsense, focus on your work and try giving it your best.


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Fear can be a real creativity killer. If you are afraid to try new things, take a risk and do something different, then you’re stifling your creativity. Most people are scared that if they come up with something innovative, something that has never been tried before, and if it fails, they will become a laughing stock. But that is so much better than staying the same and never trying to change.
So if you want to become more creative and innovative, you need to start making little changes in your life. Wake up and grab life by its collar and give it a good shake up.