Saturday 29 June 2013

Really Cool Facts About Dreams

#15 Dreams Prevent Psychosis

Dreams help keep you mentally on track. Studies show that participants who were woken up at the start of each dream showed signs of psychosis after just three days. Good to know.

#14 REM Sleep Disorder

Yes, you heard that right. There is actually a disorder that can happen while you sleep, other than Sleep Apnea. It's called REM Sleep Behavioral Disorder. People act out their dreams in the form of kicks, screams and thrashing. This disorder sometimes predicts brain disorders, such as Parkinson's Disease.

#13 Warning Dreams

Dreams are symbolic in nature. Strange dreams can give you clues as to what's going on in your waking life. Dreaming of something, such as dirty water, can possibly signify a dormant health issue.

#12 Lucid Dreaming

You know you are lucid dreaming when you wake up while still inside your dream. You find that you can dictate what happens in your dream. Studies show that video gamers report having more lucid dreams that other people.

#11 Snoring and Dreaming

We know that snoring sometimes indicates problems, such as Sleep Apnea. What surprised us, however, was learning what we did about the connection between dreaming and snoring. It appears that people don't dream while snoring.

#10 Dream Inventors

Did you know that some famous people became so because of a dream they had one night? It's true because this is how the whole "Twilight" series got started. Famous Beetle, Paul McCartney dreamed up the hit song "Yesterday." 

#9 When Men Dream

Studies show that men dream about being outside more than women do. Men also dream about six more than women do. Male nightmares show more aggressive tendencies, such as getting into fights.

#8 When Women Dream

Women often dream that they're inside a house, with other people around. Nightmares can include getting chased, losing a loved one and winding up lost. Studies show that women tend to have vivid dreams while pregnant.

#7 Precognitive Dreams

From time to time dreamers dream about the future. These types of dreams are called precognitive dreams. The most famous case of this type of dream is when Abraham Lincoln saw his own death. Three days later, as we all know, he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

#6 Duration of Dreams

Dreams last a certain amount of time depending on what part of the night your are sleeping. Shorter dreams take place after you first fall asleep. You dream for up to 45 minutes the closer you are to waking.

#5 Dreams About Falling

Dreams about falling happen at the beginning of the night. This sleep cycle is known as Stage 1 sleep. Dreamers sometimes dream about falling when they wake up with a sudden "jerking" motion. Other times, falling tends to refer to someone who feels out of control in their waking life.

#4 Color Verses Black and White

Some people, as much as 12 percent, dream in black and white. They don't see any color at all in their dreams. Sleep experts do not know if color verses black and white changes the emotional level felt in a dream.

#3 Todders and Dreams

Toddlers dream just like the rest of us. However, what they dream about differs from older children and adults. Little ones of this age do not dream about themselves until three years old.

#2 Dreaming When Blind

Blind people dream just a much as those with sight. They even dream about the same images if they became blind after birth. People who are born blind dream with senses other than sight.

#1 Common Nightmares

People often have the same type of scary nightmare. For example, being chased by a monster is a common dream theme in adults and children include being chased, getting lost, teeth falling out, falling and drowning.

Go Home Evolution, You're Drunk

#15 The Blobfish

When it comes to ugly animals, the Blobfish certainly takes the cake. We can only assume Evolution was experiencing some deep personal issues when he created this species...The Blobfish is so ashamed of its own appearance, that it is rarely ever seen by human beings and prefers to hide in the deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania. Way to go, Evolution...

#14 The Wattle Cup Caterpillar

Evolution doesn't exactly have a lot of common sense, does he? First he decides to make the most colorful and enticing caterpillar on the planet, THEN he decides to cover the creepy-crawly in thorns - and lots of them! Found only throughout various parts of Northern Australia, we've heard that this quirky caterpillar has a potent sting that is more painful than three wasp stings at once! C'mon Evolution, what next?!

#13 Andean Cock-Of-The-Rock

No, we didn't make up the name of this weird-looking bird just to have a few laughs! The Andean Cock-Of-The-Rock is widely regarded as the national bird of Peru, but what we want to know is, what the heck happened to its beak?! Evolution, you certainly have a lot to answer for - We don't know what crazy ideas were going through YOUR head at the time...

#12 The Bald Uakari

Yikes Evolution, you've obviously been holding a grudge against the Bald Uakari - Just look at that poor thing! This species is just one of many small South American primates, however, this guy really pulled the short straw! He's so ashamed of his patchy head of hair that he's forever blushing with embarrassment!

#11 The Ctenophora

Oh wow Evolution, it really seems as though you only finished half of this creature when you created him! Perhaps next time, give the Ctenophora a few more body parts than just a mouth? Also known as Comb Jellies, these marine creatures live in oceans all around the world. We get the feeling that they have a 'bone to pick' with Evolution though, and we could not blame them!

#10 The Devil's Tooth Fungus

Before you lick your lips and start craving a jam donut - be warned, this is actually a Devil's Tooth Fungus - Yikes! This species is commonly found across North America and Europe. Evolution, just what exactly were you thinking of when you created this red liquid-oozing fungus? All we can say is, go home Evolution, you certainly ARE drunk!

#9 The Goblin Shark

Oh Evolution, what have you done here?! It seems as though this Goblin Shark is extremely insecure about that long nose of his, and we don't blame him! This species is so embarrassed that it hides up to 200 meters under the waters surface. It seems as though when Evolution was creating all of the species of sharks, he thought he would try and mix things up a bit.

#8 The Marabou Stork

Have you ever seen an animal and had to look twice because you had no idea what it was? Well, let's just say that the Marabou Stork will make you look a hundred times, but you still won't know what the heck it is! Evolution, did decide to just 'copy and paste' random bits from other animals in order to create this species? See, plagiarism never looks good!

#7 The Pancake Batfish

Oh no, it looks like Evolution had pancakes and waffles on his mind when he created this Pancake Batfish! The poor species has to endure constant bullying over its 'Sunday breakfast' appearance! Here's a helpful tip Evolution, next time you try to create an animal, remember that making it look like a delicious pancake will only decrease its chances of survival...

#6 The Piglet Squid

Evolution, did you run out of ideas and simply start combining farm animals with marine life?! Piglet squids are approximately the size of a small avocado and they are found at depths of more than 100 meters under sea level. While it seems as though Evolution may very well have been drunk whilst designing this species, we have to admit, it sure is one cute squid!

#5 The Sage Grouse

We've become quite sure that Evolution only made the Sage Grouse for his own entertainment - This bird species is simply too funny! Known as the largest Grouse in North America, this bird not only has a yellow patch over its eye, but the adult male also has two yellow sacs on the neck which are inflated when he is trying to impress the female Sage Grouses! Next time you're bored Evolution, maybe just rent a DVD?

#4 The Softshell Turtle

A Turtle with a soft shell - really, Evolution? This species is commonly found in Africa, Asia, North America, and Southeast Asia, and they are also known as Pancake Turtles (again with Evolution's obsession with pancakes). It seems as though Evolution was getting tired of making the same old turtles, so thought he would mix things up a bit by giving them a soft shell - Too strange!

#3 The Sea Pig

Evolution has proved that he has a fascination with pigs and marine life it seems! The Sea Pig is part of the Sea Cucumber family and they reside in the deeper underwater parts of the ocean. Here's some advice Evolution - Next time you're having trouble coming up with a new species, try not to combine two unlikely animals as part of some crazy science experiment!

#2 The Variable Neon Slug

Let's just say that it looks like even Evolution went through that awkward neon-loving fashion phase...The Variable Neon Slug species are found in the tropical Indo-West Pacific, and they are most famous for their neon green, red and orange markings. Have you got a reasonable excuse for creating this crazy-looking creature, Evolution? We didn't think so!

#1 The Sheepshead Fish

Just look at the teeth on that fish! The Sheepshead Fish has been found in various parts of the world, from the Mid-Atlantic all the way to Texas. Evolution, just what exactly were you thinking putting several rows of human-like teeth in the mouth of a medium-sized fish?! Oh Evolution, now you're just embarrassing yourself...

You Won't Believe These Clouds Are Real

#15 Lenticular Clouds

We think these clouds look like delicious wisps of marshmallow! But did you know that this type of cloud is also often mistaken as a UFO? Due to their often saucer-like shape, some people tend to jump to the wrong conclusion!

So how are Lenticular clouds formed? They are formed when a current of moist air is forced upwards as it travels over a mountain, causing the moisture to condense and form a cloud. Lenticular clouds also tend to hang around in the same stationary position for days. This is because the flow of moist air continually resupplies the cloud with the moisture it needs to retain its position and shape.

It is also interesting that this lenticular cloud is hovering over these large fans. It is these large fans that are able to supply a constant flow of air to the cloud.

#14 Anvil Clouds

You’d be forgiven for looking at this photograph and thinking it had captured an explosion going off. This photograph actually shows an anvil cloud, and they are often associated with the loud explosion-like noise of thunder because the cloud forms in the upper part of a thunderstorm.

Even if a thunderstorm is miles away, lightning can still strike from these gloomy looking anvil clouds. The National Weather Service state that anvil clouds can spread up to “hundreds of miles downwind from the thunderstorm itself”.

So how do anvil clouds form such an unusual shape, you ask? Rising air in a thunderstorm spreads out and expands as it clashes against the bottom of the stratosphere. Because anvil clouds mostly contain ice particles, the air in the stratosphere is warmer than that contained in the cloud. As a result, the anvil cloud is prevented from spreading into the stratosphere and it maintains a flat-looking top.

The white streaks falling out of the edges of the anvil cloud is actually snow, however by the time this snow reaches the earth’s surface, it has been transformed into rain.

#13 Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz Clouds

Notice how these clouds look like a giant wave in the sky? These clouds are called Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds, and they are one of the most distinctive cloud formations. These clouds often sit at heights above 16,500 feet – Yikes! If you see one of these clouds, it’s best to pause for a moment and admire it, because only within a minute or two of forming, this type of cloud often disperses again.

How does this cloud get its unique wavy shape? The answer is quite simple actually. When one layer of air slides across another layer moving at a different speed or in a different direction then the cloud forms the wavy shapes as pictured below. These types of clouds are not associated with any specific weather conditions, and therefore can form on even the most sunniest of days.

#12 Fallstreak Hole

We find this photograph of a Fallstreak Hole cloud fascinating! It almost looks as though the sky is beginning to cave in. Fallstreak Holes, also known as ‘hole-punch clouds’, occur when part of a cloud of water droplets freezes into ice crystals. Sometimes the ice crystals grow large enough to fall below the clouds, and this results in a Fallstreak Hole type cloud as pictured.

Another amazing fact about this type of cloud is that the hole grows in size, sometimes reaching 50km across merely an hour after the hole began! For the hole to form, the droplets in the cloud layer need to be below 0˚ Celsius, but not necessarily frozen.

The tiny water droplets need temperatures as low as –40˚ Celsius in order to freeze into solid ice crystals. We will definitely be looking out for this unique type of cloud from now on!

#11 Mammatus Clouds

Look at these fascinating, circular clouds poking through the sky’s surface! This type of cloud is called a Mammatus cloud. They are a rare sight to see, and are an example of clouds in sinking air.

There is a common misconception that Mammatus clouds are a sign that a tornado is about to form, however this has been proven incorrect. Instead, Mammatus clouds signal that the worst part of a thunderstorm has actually passed. These clouds are linked to the anvil cloud, as Mammatus typically develop on the underside of a thunderstorm's anvil.

When sunlight reflects off the underside of the Mammatus cloud, as pictured, it is a beautiful sight. Mammatus clouds can occur for a long period of time if the sinking air contains large drops and snow crystals, as these take longer to dissolve and evaporate.

#10 Polar Stratospheric Cloud

We find the neon ring around these clouds fascinating! Just look at those bright and beautiful colors. Polar stratospheric clouds are also known as nacreous clouds, and this is named after nacre, meaning ‘mother of pearl’. The cloud is known as ‘mother of pearl’ due to its iridescent nature.

Polar stratospheric clouds occur in the polar stratospheres at altitudes ranging from 15,000–25,000 meters. Although the stratosphere has very dry conditions, in extremely cold polar winters, stratospheric clouds such as the polar stratospheric cloud is able to form due to the colder, and therefore more moist conditions during this time. Did you know that this is also another type of cloud often mistaken for a UFO? This is mainly due to their shiny nature and their often flat shape.

#9 Roll Clouds

How wonderful are these tubes of cloud in the sky? Appropriately named a roll cloud, these types of clouds are extremely rare. A roll cloud is a low, horizontal, tube-shaped cloud. Do not fear however, because contrary to popular belief, these types of clouds do not have anything to do with tornadoes!

Roll clouds appear as though they are rolling in the sky, however they are a solitary cloud known as a soliton. A soliton is simply a wave that has a single crest and moves without changing speed or shape.

If you travel to Queensland, Australia, you have a very good chance of seeing an example of a roll cloud. Famously known as the Morning Glory cloud, this popular occurrence is due to the sea breezes that develop over the Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf of Carpentaria.

#8 Undulatus Asperatus

Just look at those lovely, bright sunset colors! The Undulatus asperatus cloud is a newly recognised and rare cloud formation that was discovered and named as recently as 2009. This was a pretty big deal for weather experts and scientists, as a new cloud formation had not been discovered since 1951!

Undulatus asperatus simply means agitated waves. These types of clouds may look stormy and dark, however they can sometimes appear and disappear without a storm occurring. These clouds have become common occurrences in the Plains states of the United States during the earlier hours of the day. Due to the recent discovery of these clouds, scientists are still trying to discover more information about these clouds.

#7 Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz Clouds

Here is a photograph of another Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz cloud, however you may notice that this wave starts off small and gradually becomes larger and less defined.

As mentioned earlier, this is because layers of air form these clouds, however they just as easily destroy them too. But how did this strange cloud formation get its name? This type of cloud was first described in the late nineteenth century by Scottish physicist Baron Kelvin (1824-1907 and German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-94). The title of the cloud combines both men’s last names, linking back to the cloud’s origins.

Many of us have most likely never seen this type of cloud before, but there is an understandable explanation for this. Weather experts claim that there is usually “insufficient moisture present to generate cloud and render the pattern visible”. These clouds do occur commonly in the upper troposphere, however these often remain invisible to the human eye.

#6 Fallstreak Hole

Here is another type of fallstreak hole, however you will notice it is quite different to the previous one. This photograph of a fallstreak hole has been taken from a position almost directly underneath the cloud.

On the other hand, the first fallstreak hole photograph was taken from more of a side-on position much further away in the distance. Did you know that scientists believe that aircraft can also cause this type of cloud to form? They believe that when the aircraft is flying through the clouds, the expansion of the air as it passes over the aircraft wings could sometimes be cool enough to set off the freezing process of the tiny droplets of water.

It is once these droplets of water freeze that they begin to drop through the surface of the cloud and create this fallstreak hole effect. Who ever knew clouds could be so fascinating? Now you know next time you see this ominous-looking cloud that the sky isn’t really falling in.

#5 Lenticular Clouds

How amazing is this photograph? We have never seen such a fascinating sight in our lives! This cloud is another example of a lenticular cloud.

As you can see, they often occur around mountains or hills. Due to their often rare locations, lenticular clouds are rare to see. Photographers especially look out for this type of cloud during sunset, as a brilliant array of colors fill the cloud and create a beautiful display.

The shape of this type of cloud often depends on the wind speed and the shape of the mountains. Lenticular clouds can remain in their position for hours, or even days. So although they are a rare sight, if you do see one then you can be assured that it will remain there for quite some time.

#4 Mammatus Clouds

This photograph is a great example of mammatus clouds occurring after a thunderstorm over a cityscape. This is a rare and wonderful sight, and you can also see an example of the sun reflecting off the clouds.

But how do mammatus clouds form this unusual shape? Because of the cloud’s high concentration of ice crystals and water droplets, the saturated air is heavier than the surrounding air and it therefore sinks back towards the earth. The sinking air will be cooler than its surroundings and continues to sink downward, creating the rounded formations of cloud as shown in the below photograph.

Although mammatus clouds can last for long periods of time, over time, the cloud droplets do eventually evaporate and the cloud formation will disappear.

#3 Polar Stratospheric Cloud

Here is another beautiful example of a Polar Stratospheric Cloud, but when is the best time to spot one of these amazing cloud formations? These clouds are best observed when during twilight when the sun is between 1 and 6 degrees below the horizon.

Although they might be quite specific measurements, it’s best to always keep an eye out for unusual and colourful cloud formations because you never know what rare type of cloud you’ll discover!

Did you know that Polar Stratospheric Clouds are often linked to holes in the ozone layer? Scientists exclaim that this is because the clouds “support chemical reactions that produce active chlorine which catalyzes ozone destruction, and also because they remove gaseous nitric acid, perturbing nitrogen and chlorine cycles in a way which increases ozone destruction”.

Because these clouds sit at higher altitudes and because of the natural curve of the Earth’s surface, these clouds receive sunlight from below the horizon. This creates the amazing glow as seen as in this photograph.

#2 Roll Clouds

Here is another awesome example of a roll wave, and this one looks like a giant tunnel in the sky! So exactly how are these incredible cloud formations developed? Scientists explain that roll clouds are usually formed by outflows of cold air from sea breezes or cold fronts in the absence of thunderstorms.

Roll clouds are sometimes likened to a similar type of cloud known as the shelf cloud. However, unlike shelf clouds, roll clouds are completely detached from other cloud features. You can see in this photograph how the roll cloud is a formation all on its own, and it does not contain other cloud formations attached to it. This makes the roll cloud a spectacular sight in the sky, and they often look like a very smooth cylinder.

This type of cloud is often located along the gust front, and this is another reason why it has such a tubular shape.

#1 Undulatus Asperatus

Here is another example of a fascinating Undulatus Asperatus cloud. You’ll notice its almost ominous appearance, and this is because some Undulatus Asperatus clouds can also appear in the hours following thunderstorm activity. The cause of these types of clouds is presently unknown, and scientists believe that they are quite unusual atmospheric structures.

Although most low cloud decks are have a flat bottom, Asperatus clouds appear to have large vertical structure underneath. Undulatus Asperatus clouds have been linked to both lenticular clouds and Mammatus clouds.

Scientists believe the cloud formation has similarities with lenticular clouds because of their ability to form around mountains, and Mammatus clouds because of their link to thunderstorms. They have even been associated at time with a type of dry downward wind that flows off mountains!

Monday 24 June 2013

Woman Says Citibank Fired Her Because She Was Too Hot

Debrahlee Lorenzana

Debrahlee Lorenzana is filing a lawsuit against Citibank because they fired her, she says, for the strangest reason: she's too hot.
She's 5'5'', 125 pounds and well, you've seen her photo.
"Where I'm from," she told the Village Voice, "women dress up—like put on makeup and do their nails—to go to the supermarket... I was raised very Latin. We're feminine. A woman in Puerto Rico takes care of herself."

Her bosses told her that "as a result of the shape of her figure, such clothes were purportedly 'too distracting' for her male colleagues and supervisors to bear," she says 
[Her two male] managers gave her a list of clothing items she would not be allowed to wear: turtlenecks, pencil skirts, and fitted suits. And three-inch heels.
From the Village Voice:
"As a result of her tall stature, coupled with her curvaceous figure," her suit says, Lorenzana was told "she should not wear classic high-heeled business shoes, as this purportedly drew attention to her body in a manner that was upsetting to her easily distracted male managers."
"I couldn't believe what I was hearing," Lorenzana told the Voice. "I said, You gotta be kidding me! I was like, Too distracting? For who? For you? My clients don't seem to have any problem."
As soon as Debrahlee started working at the Citibank branch in the Chrysler Building, she says, everyone there focused on her appearance.
She's working together a lawsuit to charge the bank for creating a sexually discriminatory environment with a lawyer, Jack Tuckner, who agrees that she's smoking hot, but thinks Debarah's case should stand up well with a jury.
"It's like saying that we can't think anymore 'cause our penises are standing up—and we cannot think about you except in a sexual manner—and we can't look at you without wanting to have sexual intercourse with you. And it's up to you, gorgeous woman, to lessen your appeal so that we can focus!"

But he also bizarrely told Debarah that she should come to his place (his office) for a photo shoot, because she should have pictures of herself in more conservative clothing to use at her court case ... and then (presumably) told her it was OK to take and let the Voice print the rest of the photos they have of her on their site.

More photos of her:-