#15 Finance
Finance majors have an average starting salary of $46,500 and AMCS of $87,300. These majors are often found in fields of banking, investing, trading as well as corporate finance.
#14 Statistics
Statistics majors have an average starting salary of $49,000 BUT they're blessed with an average mid-career salary (AMCS) of $93,800. Popular career paths for statisticians include marketing, financial analysis, and economics.
#13 Physics
Physics majors have an average starting salary of $49,800 and AMCS of $101,000. Not all physics is done in laboratories. While many choose to pursue careers in research, jobs in the financial sector, government, and medical profession are also common choices.
#12 Construction Management
Construction management majors have an average starting salary of $50,200 and AMCS of $85,200. They oversee and supervise building projects from start to finish, including the actual construction work.
#11 Mathematics
Math majors have an average starting salary of $47,000 and AMCS of $89,900. They use their knowledge to pursue careers in finance, banking, economics, or even teaching.
#10 Petroleum Engineering
Petroleum engineering majors enjoy an average starting salary of $97,900 and AMCS of $155,000. Wow. These majors design new techniques of extracting gasoline and oil from the Earth as well as increase efficiency in its production.
#9 Management Information Systems
Management information systems majors have an average starting salary of $51,000 and AMCS of $82,200. These majors can find work in nearly any company that uses a computer to manage its data and business operations.
#8 Geology
Sure, rocks may sound boring, but geology is anything but. This is especially true when geology majors enjoy an average starting salary of $45,300 and AMCS of $83,300. Majors can expect to study not only rocks, but volcanoes, fossils, trees, and other natural resources to study the Earth and determine its patterns.
#7 Civil Engineering
Civil engineering majors have an average starting salary of $53,100 and AMCS of $90,200. Jobs in this field include the development of infrastructure and public works, such as buildings, bridges, roads, water distribution systems, etc.
#6 Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering majors have an average starting salary of $51,700 and AMCS of $88,600. Careers in environmental engineering can be more exciting than you'd think, as these majors work outside to actively develop solutions to environmental problems.
#5 Applied Mathematics
Applied mathematics major have an average starting salary of $52,600 and an AMCS of $98,600. Jobs in this field can be found in nearly every sector. Majors can look forward to using their background in mathematics, engineering, and computer science to problem solve.
#4 Software Engineering
Software engineering majors have an average starting salary of $54,900 and AMCS of $87,800. Jobs for these majors include developing code for software and mobile app programming.
#3 Computer Science
Computer science majors have an average starting salary of $56,600 and AMCS of $97,900. These lucky majors have a wide array of available jobs waiting for them, including work in programming and systems applications.
#2 Biochemistry
Biochem majors have a starting salary of $41,700 and AMCS of $84,700. Biochemists conduct research to study chemical processes in living organisms.
#1 Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering majors rank no. 1, with an average starting salary of $53,000 and midcareer salary of $97,800. This deals with developing technologies for the medical field, including prosthetics, robots, etc. If you can last through the rigorous coursework, this major really pays off.
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