#16 Bull Shark
It swims in all the shallow waters of the world and is considered to be much more dangerous than its more famous relatives the Great White and Tiger Shark respectively. Why? Because this shark can survive in fresh water and has been known to follow rivers up deep within a country's populous zones. It was spotted in South America leaping up rapids like salmon and actually two were pulled from the Potomac River on Tuesday, August 20 that were nearly eight feet long. Two out of the last four years bull sharks have been spotted in this location. This animal is a very real threat and could become very problematic with global warming in full swing.
#15 Scaly Dragonfish
Scaly Dragonfish reside everywhere in the world except the Northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They are unique, because they have photophores protuding from their chin and scattered throughout their bodies. They use this light, or bioluminescence, to hunt and are a worthy foe. They enjoy hiding deep within the ocean during daylight hours, but prowl closer to the surface in the evening.
#14 Fangtooth Fish
A hardy little fish, Fangtooths have the largest teeth of any marine animal proportionate to their size, so luckily they don't get very big. They average about seven inches long at full maturity. It is also known as the Ogrefish. Difficult to imagine why!
#13 Denizens of the Deep
Some of these species are relatively harmless, others extremely dangerous, and others just very odd looking, but one thing these fish all share is they can scare the pants off you just by catching a glimpse of them. Shall we?
Some of these species are relatively harmless, others extremely dangerous, and others just very odd looking, but one thing these fish all share is they can scare the pants off you just by catching a glimpse of them. Shall we?
#12 Great Barracuda
Native to the shallow waters of the Atlantic, these fish have been documented as ready, willing, and able to take a bite out of their human counterparts at their leisure, but the odds aren't as high as people assume. They tend to pounce upon things that glisten in the light, such as jewelry, which has been considered as the main reason for their transgressions. Don't take them lightly though, as their teeth can certainly rip you apart if its been awhile between meals.
#11 Goonch Fish
This species native to a river that borders India and Pakistan has really attracted some attention. Absolutely mammoth, British biologist Jeremy Wade, concluded a six foot specimen was actually on the smallish side, this fish was accused of attacking and killing people within a four mile span of the river. It was thought they developed a taste for human flesh after sampling it from funeral pyres. How creepy is that?
#10 Piraiba Catfish
One of the largest species of fish in the world and definitely the biggest catfish, these guys roam Amazonian waters. The contents of their stomachs have contained animals as large as monkeys, but here is the irony, they are actually prized as a food source. They are supposed to be delectable and used in various South American dishes.
#9 Angler Fish
These fish populate the ocean depths of the Atlantic and Antartic and fortunately enough don't get any larger than three feet. The females have an appendage on their head that attacks as a rod to attract prey, hence their name, but they certainly need it. The males are essentially parasites and latch onto a female body in passing. The ladies can hold up to six males at a time. Wouldn't you like to be able to do that for your man?
#8 Goblin Shark
Obviously named for their grotesque appearance including those lovely teeth, this species was discovered by Japanese fisherman and named from an old Chinese word meaning monster. Not much is known about the Goblin Shark, as there have only been 45 sightings over the years. That's cool with me. I'd like to keep it that way!
#7 The Blobfish
Certainly not an attractive species, the Blobfish is native to Australian waters and lives just above the ocean floor. It's body has no real muscle or skeletal structure and is more like a mass of gelatin so it can float easily through the ocean depths. If you ever get a peek at one of these fish it will probably be in a controlled environment as they are practically extinct.
#6 Stonefish
Native to the coastal reefs of Australia, people participating in water sports need to pay attention to what they touch as this species is extremely difficult to discern from the surrounding rock. For an extra added bonus it injects a venom into its prey that can kill a human being with 120 minutes. How's that for packing a powerful punch?
#5 Viper Fish
Unable to close their mouths, these gruesome little guys have the capacity to throw toss their teeth behind their head. They also have organs that glow so to speak to attract prey and are unlike any other species that resides in the Gulf of Maine. Thank god for that.
#4 Moray Eel
With the Green Moray Eel considered to be the most dangerous of this group, this species is very unique in that it has a second set of jaws located behind what you see on the edge of the mouth. They are used to grasp, it's prey, then thrust it into the throat right down into the digestive tract. The morays are the only animal in the world capable of eating in this fashion and that's probably a really excellent thing!
#3 Snakehead Fish
Not a very attractive marine species, the snakehead is quite unique from his colleagues, as he use his fins to walk over land and can breathe air for a period of roughly four hours. This summer a gentleman caught a 17 pound 6 ounce northern snakehead in the Potomac River Basin. It was two ounces heavier than one that was landed in Japan in 2004.
#2 Piranha
Way back before he was president, Theodore Roosevelt wrote a book about his various travels and was less than impressed with the piranha. He claimed it was the most ferocious fish he ever saw and his viewpoint has stuck throughout the ensuing centuries. The funny thing is piranha's are actually a shy, schooling fish, but they aren't adverse to taking a bite out of when another when they hungry.
#1 The Goliath Tigerfish
Found in Africa, this species is a very sought after game fish and is known for how viciously it attacks its prey. Not something you want to encounter when you are taking a quick dip.
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