Thursday 29 August 2013

Don't break yourself over a breakup

Break-ups can get to be unmanageable emotionally for most of the times. Especially if those involved have been anchored into the other person since some time and have centred their lives around the person, disrupting normal life and leaving lingering negativity.
For youngsters, break-ups are more challenging since they don't have enough experience to handle their feelings thereafter. While psychologists do their counselling therapies, sometimes listening to stories of others having been through similar experience can lend solace.

"I allowed myself to let all my feelings flow out. I had a group of friends who helped me out. They advised me to let my emotions emerge, like frustration, panic, sadness, grief etc. Grief is a natural phenomenon, so never fight your feelings because they help you come closer to your goal, i.e. moving on," says Asmita Nehru a medical student.
Empty yourself
"The break-up trauma from a relationship has a lot of psychological aspects attached to it. Usually, break-ups occur due to incompatibility, expectations and a very common notion which is peer pressure and has become a leading cause for the foundation of an immature relationship," says Komala Sharma, PHD in psychology and research, "There are many ways of coping up with break-up trauma through psychological therapies. One of them is the 'Empty chair therapy' in which the therapist would encourage the subject to explain his situation to a non-living object that does not exist, hence helping reduce their repressed feelings."
Busy yourself 
There are others who try keeping their minds occupied by not sitting idle and moping over memories of their past, such as Gurveen Sehgal, an engineering student "I keep myself busy by either reading or sketching, doing things that relax me and help me keep my mind off things. I make it a point to keep myself surrounded by people who love and support me at every moment in my life. I never let myself sit idle, it always works best to keep yourself occupied," she says.
Let go
"To deal with a heart break one needs to stop dealing with it, let loose. What really hurts is loosing the love of your friends and family. If it was true love, it would stay, but if its not true it would leave you...these are the ultimate possibilities," concludes Harsh Singh an Engineering student in PEC.

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