#15 How to Crush an Interview
Let your credentials to the talking, while being well versed in what you put on your resume. Do not embellish anything you will not recognize, because an employer will ask you about the job experience you have listed thoroughly. NEVER take out your cell phone unless prompted for some reason by the interviewer, do not ramble in your answers, and show a knowledge of the company by doing some research before you show up. Doing all of these things may not set you apart, but they will keep you from being disqualified based on some minor technicality that you missed. Now all you can do is memorize your answers and believe you are the best candidate for the job. But before you even show up to the interview, make sure you are ready: First of all, get rid of any drunken Facebook posts that will exclude you from the applicant field before you even get into the interview room. Next, have an arsenal of references that the employer can call for a glowing recommendation ready, and make sure they are ready for a potential phone call on your behalf. Many people have lost jobs by blindsiding their references, who were unaware or unprepared to paint you in a favorable light for the inquiring employer. Your appearance is crucial, so spend the money to get a close cut, shave, and a shirt with a tie before the day of the interview. This, combined with consistent eye contact, an apparent interest in the job through frequent smiles, and an enthusiastic tone of voice will keep you in the running for the job.
#14 How to Make Small Talk
Once you have made eye contact with someone who looks like they need a talking mate at a party or work event, give a small smile and casually saunter in their direction. You want to initiate the conversation with something that you both can relate to, such as a comment about the band performing or the atmosphere at the party. Use that comment to reveal something about yourself, such as something like "this formal was way tamer last year", a line that can illicit a response from the other person while getting deeper into the convo. Next, encourage your counterpart to respond if they have not, saying something like "Were you able to attend the formal last year?" This will open up all kind of conversation lines, whether it involves the person's schooling, party history, or some of the cool things they have done since they came to school. Small talk is nerve wracking for many people, especially when approaching a pretty woman, but it is an awkwardly necessary part of building relationships.
#13 How to Change a Tire
Locate a level surface and use the parking brake so your car does not roll on top of you. Next, locate and take out the spare tire and carjack. Place the jack under the solid, metal part of the car's frame somewhere close to the tire you need to change. Once the jack is locked onto the car, twist the cranking level until the jack holds the weight of the car in support, but is not lifting it off of the ground. Use a cross wrench to turn the nuts on the hubcap counterclockwise, releasing pressure but not twisting any further. Once the nuts are loosened, crank the jack to elevate the car off of the ground. You may now finish unscrewing the lug nuts with your hands and then remove the flat tire from the vehicle knowing that it may be stuck from rust. Now place your new, spare tire on the wheel hub where the old one once was, tightening the nuts with your fingers. Use the cross wrench to tighten the nuts one crank at a time without fully tightening one before the others. You may lower the car to the ground without putting pressure and remove the jack. You've now got a functioning car with a new tire!
#12 How to Budget
The first step is to assess your monthly income, then, write down your fixed expenses and figure out their monthly total cost. When you subtract your fixed expenses from your total monthly income, you get the leftover amount of discretionary money. These costs include what you spend on groceries, eating out, and other expenses that can be changed monthly. These are what you will have to curb if you want to hold yourself to a budget, so decide which ones are most important and which you can cut out of your lifestyle.Everyone wants more money, but the hardest thing is learning to stop spending wastefully before you can stack up bank rolls. The weekly paycheck can seem like a small fortune after an exhausting day at the office, but by the end of the week most of us kick ourselves for our poor spending habits. Create a budget and get your life on track, it's really not too difficult. An app called Mint can help greatly and essentially do most of the work for you and it may be preferable to most people. But we believe budgeting is part of a greater change that includes greater self control and discipline, and doing a budget by hand can help you understand the benefits of wise spending.
#11 How to Shop for Groceries
When deciding which grocery store to shop at, you must know what you value, whether it is low prices, high quality produce, or any number of other factors. Traditional supermarkets like Publix, Sweet Bay, and Kroger are likely to have most everything you want at reasonable prices, and these can be considered the safe bet. A store like Walmart will likely have a similar but slightly worse selection but is known for its fresher produce aisle and very low prices. Walmart is our recommendation for most things a college student will need at a low price, and this is the case when it comes to groceries. Once you have chosen your store it is essential that you compose your list before you leave. A hungry college student feels like they could never forget the foods they are craving but all too often a kid has left the store without at least two items he or she needed. Organization is not the strong suit of the college kid, and when it comes to grocery shopping, you MUST create a list and find the store that suits your budgets and needs.
#10 How to Keep Your House Clean
Each morning you can start by making your bed after you get out of it and spraying a shower cleaning product once you get out. Once you finish brushing your teeth, wipe the toothpaste and micro hairs off the counter with a Clorox wipe. If needed empty the dishwasher and wipe down the kitchen counters beore you head off to work. When you return in the evenings you can wipe the counters after dinner to get rid of crumbs and left over grime. Loading the dishwasher, picking up dirty clothes, and arranging coffee tables and counter tops before bed can avoid the morning tension. These small daily tasks can make the designated cleaning days shorter and less miserable, so get a daily cleaning routine in place ASAP.
#9 How to Respond to a Car Wreck
If possible move your car from the danger of the road to the side and ask anyone in your car if they are injured. If it is safe to get out put your hazard lights on, exit the car on the shoulder, and check the other drivers for injury. You should call the police regardless of injury in order to establish liability and to protect yourself from fraud. Once the police arrive and fill out a report, you must exchange your information with the other driver for insurance purposes. The required information includes your name, address, telephone number, email address, Driver License number, your insurance company, and your policy number. Upon receiving the other driver's information note the time, location, and crucial details of the accident and mark the date for record. If there are witnesses, get their account of the events and take ample photographs of both cars and do not admit you were at fault even if you think you were, that is for the insurance adjusters to decide. The last step is to call your insurance company for an estimate and the process will play itself out, you have done what you can to ensure you won't be falsely blamed.
#8 How to Avoid Credit Card Debt
Do not get a credit card without knowing the interest rate charged and how you are going to pay for the charges. Know your credit score, order reports at least three times a year, and know the long term ramifications of your credit based purchases. Credit can be helpful to some and a self-destructive vice for others, and a knowledge of the credit system in America is imperative to avoid a lifetime of debt collectors. Credit cards are often the most dangerous form of credit because they are unsecured debt which justifies their enormous interest rates. These high interest rates mean as time passes the unpaid credit card bills get hugely expensive, and the longer you take to pay, the lower your credit score. Your credit report is a tool to view who you have borrowed from, how quickly you pay back your loans, and who you still owe. They are free and the government requires you receive one each year so you are aware of your standing. Credit reports help you reflect on your behavior, look out for accounting mistakes, and make sure no one is using credit cards in your name without your knowledge. Based off of these reports lenders determine your credit score, which is a number representing how trustworthy you have been with credit payments. A low credit score can prevent someone for getting loans for a home, car, or important child payments, so they are something not to be taken lightly.
#7 How to Make a Bed
It is easiest to remove all of the throw pillows, comforters, and excess linens from the bed before starting. First you will secure the fitted sheets around the four mattress corners. Next, spread the top sheet evenly over the fitted sheet, putting the hem at the head of the bed. You can tuck this sheet into the foot of the bed to make sure your feet stay warm during a cold winter night. You can continue to tuck the sides of the sheets under the mattress until the sheet is to your preferred tightness over the fitted one. Next, add your comforter or blanket over top and smooth it out by running your hand over any bulges in the fabric. Add your sleep pillows before the throw pillows, do a once over to make sure it looks presentable, and revel in that fact that you have made your bed like a grown up.
#6 How to Wash Laundry
You will want to pre treat stains that you notice with a stain remover such as Shout or pen-shaped removers. When determining the water temperature you will use to wash your clothes, warm for whites and cold for colors is a good rule of thumb to follow. Most washing cycle options are pretty straight forward, but regular should be your go-to setting for most items. The next step in the process is determining the load size. For loads that are roughly 1/3 or less of the washer space, choose small. A load from 1/3 to 1/2 full should be medium, 1/2-3/4 large, and over 3/4 being extra large. When choosing detergent it is mostly a choice of personal preference, with liquid being more effective but also more expensive than powders. Using 1/2 of the recommended amount is sure to save you money while getting your clothes clean.
#5 How to Iron a Shirt
You will obviously need an ironing board, iron, and water to fill the iron with. When choosing the iron temperature, less wrinkled shirts should have a cooler setting while more wrinkly ones should have a higher heat setting. After spraying the shirt with starch, lay the shirt collar flat on the ironing board and press from the collar points inward to get a smooth result. If your board is skinny enough, put the end through the shirt sleeve and iron the sleeves one side at a time. If not, lay the sleeves flat and iron it with one side laying on top of the other. For sleeves you will lay them flat on top of each other and flip it to make sure both sides are sleek. To get the body portion of the shirt ironed lay the shirt as flat as possible and iron the side with the holes for buttons first. Repeat with the other side then do the back portion as two halves, one at a time. Once completed put the shirt on a hanger so the wrinkles don't return, button the top button and you are ready to kill the club.
#4 How to Make an Omelet
First you must crack the eggs by gently tapping them on the edge of a mixing bowl, applying pressure to the cracks in the egg, and pouring them into a bowl. Next, you can use a fork to break down and mix the egg yolk and white in a whisking motion within the bowl. This is the step in which you add pepper, salt, or other spices and herbs to the eggs that you might find to enhance the omelet taste. Whatever ingredients you plan to put in your omelet--peppers, onions, ham, cheese, grilled chicken, turkey, etc.- should be put in their own separate bowl and mixed as much as possible. Put the stove on low to medium heat, add a dab of butter, then pour the eggs over the pan and confine their shape with a spatula. Once the bottom of the eggs show signs of firmness, put roughly 3/4 of your ingredients on the eggs within the pan. Once the omelet cooks for a couple more minutes, separate the edges from the pan and use a spatula to flip the omelet over onto itself. You now have a delicious omelet to eat yourself or serve to a date!
#3 How to be Reliable
Being reliable is the most basic quality of a person and is a huge determination of their character. If you have a friend who keeps your personal secrets, does what they tell you they will, and is consistent daily it is a comfort and makes them a viable friend candidate. If you are not reliable you will see friends get sick of your shenanigans, not wanting to take the time to figure out whether they can count on you or not. The first principle of being reliable is to keep your promises because your word is your bond and once it loses value it will take a lifetime of actions to restore value in your promise. Become more conservative in the way that you live, never over-promising so you do not underachieve when it comes time to show results. This means taking a day to think over decisions, not acting on impulse, and learning how to tell people 'no' without being a jerk. Be a man or woman who finishing what he starts, not letting minor inconveniences break his spirit or allow him to quit early. This will establish you as a person who is going to do what it takes to get any task done that they accept because they do not over promise in the first place. All of these practices together will establish you as someone who can feel confident in the fact that they practice what they preach, and friends and bosses will notice.
#2 How to Maintain a Good Online Image
From time to time Google your name if you don't already to see what pops up. If some unpleasant results pop up try and erase them if you can, but most of all use, your brain when posting online. Believe it or not our potential employers, partners, and strangers are gaining views into our personal lives that we might not even know about. It is important to be conscious of what we put online and who has access to it, so we will give you a few pointers. A poorly written Facebook status can remain on your page for weeks, enough time for someone to completely change their opinion of you based on that quote alone. It is reported that 75% of employers use some type of online screening process when hiring employees, so we know for a fact that what we put online can harm or hurt our ability to earn money. Of course there is the age-old practice of thinking before you post, but in a moment of emotion or excitement this goes out the door. You can set your Facebook or other social media profile to the highest of settings and do not add anyone you don't know or can't confirm the identity of. Hackers are getting smarter and smarter, so it is imperative to have 2 or 3 passwords that are very hard to guess and keep them stored tight. This includes having passcodes on your phones and computers, because these are volatile lockers of information that can leave you open to fraud.
#1 How to Unclog a Toilet
Unfortunately if the toilet water is rising all the way to the brim, you are going to have to wait for it to subside for a couple hours. Once the water has receded there are a couple ways you can unclog the waste flusher.One way involved pouring two cups of dishwashing liquid into the clogged area, letting it sit for about 5 minutes, and then pouring a bucket of hot water onto the clog from waist height. This is likely to force the clog to clear once you let it sit for about 25 minutes. If there is a plunger you may use that to plug the toilet hole then repeatedly pumping up and down to force the clog out. Once you feel like something has been removed and the pressure is less, try a flush to make sure you have gotten the blockage out.
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