#15 The Parking Spot
Of all things manly, what’s a man without his car? A sleek cave as such needs no introduction - or décor – due to a very large elephant in the room. Yes, a car! Even if the car is only for perks, you won't ever get tired of it keeping you company. And of course, there’s nothing but windows in this man cave leaving plenty of room for you and your pals to sit and stare at its reflection. The flat screen’s just a decoy.
#14 Get Loud
This kind of man cave can only mean one of two things. Either you’re being driven over the edge by the obnoxious silence at home or you like to live life on the edge. Both of which can be attained through a space like this. If you’re ever looking for a place to just scream at the top of your lungs for the hell of it, you’ve got it. Fill up a room with high definition speakers on top of speakers and you’ll literally be able to drown out any sounds that you can’t get enough of. This kind of atmosphere will especially come in handy if you have something to say but can’t speak it out loud. Although you’re surrounding yourself with the noise, a room like this can also serve as an escape from reality.
#13 Beach Front
Every guy looks for that spacey space of their own and who wouldn’t want to showcase that with such a secluded area in the house. Even if you and your guy friends were smack dab in the middle of the living room, the boxed in counter tops create an effect as if you were in a room of your own. You’ll learn how to tune everything out, which can be for the better. And if that’s not enough, we’re sure you’ll focus all of your attention to one of three TVs in the room. We like the overall feel, but just know what you’re about to get yourself into.
#12 NFL Movie Style
This man cave speaks volumes with NFL inspired décor and plush chairs. No more worrying about who gets the “comfy” seat in the room because a room like this is big enough for everybody. Don’t rush into everything at once because it certainly takes time. The helmets and jerseys are only assets a true football fan would possess, but it’s ok to add a little spunk to make a room look that much better. And just because this cave is NFL inspired, it doesn’t mean you have to resort to only games. Pop in a movie! Nothing sounds better than gathering the guys for a relaxed movie night with popcorn in tow. If you’re smart, you’ll leave all your worries at the door.
#11 The Cave Cave
Nothing says man cave better than an exact cave replica. Complete with a Jacuzzi and flat screen TV, what more could a man need? Seriously, it must be nice to come home and head straight to the cave but be careful fellows. If you’re spending too much time away from home, it won’t go unnoticed. Don’t give in to the temptation of having a couple’s retreat in the Jacuzzi. It’s simple at first, yet oh so complicated.
#10 White Sox Fans Unite
Customization is key. This is just one of the many examples of a cave designed specifically to one’s own interests. On the bright side, this tidy set up can showcase not only your loyalty to a possible major league baseball team but also your need for subtlety. You won’t have to worry about any ladies hanging around this sports themed room. It’s cool, hip and top notch, which is the perfect reason to invite your buddies over for the time of their lives.
#9 Jimmie Johnson's Cave
If you don’t know who Jimmie Johnson is let me first start out by saying he’s one of the greatest American NASCAR motor sports racers known to man. Thus, Johnson inspired the man cave presented above. These black and white tiled patterns represent a racetrack within itself and for the finishing touch a real motorcycle that’s easy on the eyes. Of course, if you choose to go with this, you may have fellows constantly knocking on your door.
#8 Nascar
What more do you want us to say? If you love cars, and love them hard, a Nascar inspired cave could be the answer to all of your car driving fantasies. Fathers grab your sons and sons grab your friends because a room like this deserves to be seen. It may appear crowded to one’s eyes, but if you know the sport it’s truly heaven sent. Make it complete with Nascar collectibles and posters and you’ll feel right at home.
#7 Never Miss the Action
This can be beneficial for many reasons. Less cram can make it easier to clear your head just when you think you’ve had enough. Likewise, the extra TV space could be perfect for different visions of a “guys night out.” You and your guys can get game ready or watch the local news for all we care but at least you’ll be doing so in style. Even if you need a quiet space to work, you can do so all in the comfort of your own home. Better yet, sit back, relax and watch each other use your cave to the fullest. This is the perfect place to just chill.
#6 Winery
Girl Cave? This dark wooded beauty will definitely have that special girl envious of what you and crew are doing behind closed doors. We know what wine does to us women, but what happens when you bring guys in the picture? Be sure to have your selections ready for a somewhat classy affair as you “gossip” and talk about your relationship problems. Wines favorite subject. This may just be that go-to spot after a long day at work. Call up your buddies and bring out the suits, you may have a party on your hands.
#5 Uptown Man Cave
A room like this will definitely demand your attention. The off white coloring of the walls is a tranquilizing effect that will keep your nerves calm. And, quite honestly if this one doesn’t get your guys talking, we don’t known what will. Passing as anything from a living room to an office space, I think we can all agree that we want some part of hanging out in this incredibly designed man cave. It’s hard to even believe. The plush leather, wooden floors, and black marble is a beautiful finish – and empowering at that. Just imagine coming to home to something like this every night. I think I’d be more worried about getting anything on the furniture.
#4 Outdoors
Every guy’s gotta love the outdoors and what better way to show it by cozying up with your pals to a late night cookout or a couple of drinks out on the patio. You’ll no longer have to hear anyone complaining about their disgust of the outdoors as long as you and your buddies stick to the view from the other side. And for any man with a getaway like this, we don’t blame you. Fresh air is as healthy as the steaks you could be whipping up on the grill. Add a couple of chairs and you’ve got yourself a winner.
#3 Elegance
Who ever said your man cave had to be a whole room dedicated to your every need? Consider a space that’s only restricted to outsiders because in this case a corner speaks volumes. Don’t let the smallness fool you. A small indoor bar could be the answer to all of your problems. Despite there being no real privacy, imagine turning a corner in your home and seeing this amazing architecture. The wooden marble is unique alone and the chandeliers take simple to a whole new level. Think again if you think an area like this is anything but classy.
#2 The Tasting Spot
If this cave’s as picture perfect as it appears in real life, then you’re literally sitting in a gold mine. The radiant lighting adds excitement to an otherwise more modern-looking space, but nevertheless we love it! Brown on brown isn’t easy to pull off but it comes off well here. The wine filled walls also add a decorative touch. It kind of has that Breakfast Club feel to it.
#1 Simply Amazing
Regardless of the style you choose to go with just remember that simple is always better. And let’s face it, it’s probably cheaper too. This way you can have all of your favorite games and gadgets in one place - not too much and not too little. You really couldn’t ask for much more. Sit on the couch and watch the game or challenge your crew to a pool table tournament, but either way you won’t let your guys down. They won’t care if you don’t have metal chandeliers or a fancy car sitting in the middle of the room as long as you’re having a good time. Try not to over think it.

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