#15 Pig Out on Fish Oil
As far as food goes, fish is pretty amazing. Ingest 300 mg of fish oil a day and your metabolism will burn an extra 400 calories. Get your fish oil in capsules and you won't have as much fish to filet.
#14 Eat More Steak
Lean red meat burns calories while you eat it. Your metabolism has to kick into high gear to break it down. Plus, the muscle it builds burns more calories per pound than fat.
#13 Switch to Organic
Organic fruits and vegetables are pesticide free. Pesticides aren't just icky, they slow down your metabolism. Stick to pesticide-free fresh food and your metabolism will burn faster while you eat.
#12 Drink Water
We all know that water is good for you. But did you know that it also speeds up your metabolism? Water quickly flushes fat and calories through your body so that you absorb less.
#11 Add Ice
Your metabolism has to speed up to return cold drinks to body temperature. Drink 8 ice-cold glasses of water a day and you'll burn an extra 490 calories per week.
#10 Keep It Spicy
The capsacin in hot peppers burns your metabolism along with your tongue. It also curbs your appetite so that you eat less later. So the next time you pig out, spice it up then eat till you pop...or burn out.
#9 Nutty Buddy
Nuts are fatty, but they make up for it with a metabolic boost so powerful that it lets you burn while you eat. Researchers at Purdue University found that people who snacked on nuts were thinner than those that didn't.
#8 Olive Oil
An Australian study found that just half an ounce of this healthy unsaturated fat oil gives you a powerful metabolic boost. For the best results, eat it raw. You'll be able to eat more of whatever you drizzle it on without putting as big a dent in your diet.
#7 An Apple A Day
Pig out on apples and you can watch the fat fall away. Apples are high in fiber that keeps you full all day. A Japanese study found that women who ate at least three apples a day lost more weight than women who did not -- even when they ate the same number of calories.
#6 Serve A Salad Before Your Meal
Salad is a great low calorie snack. But did you know that it helps you lose weight even after you eat it? The researchers at Penn State University found that participants that ate a hefty low-calorie salad before their meals at 12 percent less.
#5 Beans!
After you eat them, beans get to work doing something pretty impressive. They encourage your body to produce cholecystokinin, an appetite-suppressing hormone. The more beans you eat, the more you'll lose -- because you won't have room for anything else.
#4 Stock Up on Raspberry Ketones
Raspberries are hiding something really special inside. Those special somethings are called ketones. Ketones speed your metabolism and break down fat for easier weight loss. To burn while you eat, pop in raspberry ketone supplements each morning.
#3 Switch to Green Tea
Like a fatty fast food meal every now and again? Drink green tea before and after it. This delicious beverage will keep your body from storing the fat you just ate.
#2 Have Grapefruit for Breakfast...and Lunch...and Dinner
Grapefruit gives your metabolism a boost you can measure in lost pounds. A recent study by the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center at Scripps Clinic found that participants who started each meal with half of a grapefruit lost nearly 4 lbs. on average -- some lost more than 10.
#1 Get Caffeinated
Go ahead and splurge on that third cup of coffee. Each cup of caffeine you drink gives you a powerful boost -- in your metabolism. The more you drink, the more you'll burn.
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