Friday 8 November 2013

Things You Hate Until They’re Gone

#9 Being Broke

Hotels are nice, but you won’t meet people with amazing stories to tell like you will in hostels. Roommates can get annoying, but the sofa in your studio won’t invite you to the party of your life. Cars are convenient, but the bus will reveal places you otherwise never would have found. GPS is neat, but sometimes the wrong turn is the better one. One day you’re going to live very comfortably, but enjoy roughing it in the meantime.

#8 Hangovers

Hangovers are a great excuse to do absolutely nothing and be guilt free. You get to binge watch TV shows, take three naps, and eat like crap, all in the name of having a great Saturday night. Earning a day of laziness because you were binge drinking will make zero sense at some point. That realization will hurt way more than your headache.

#7 Having to Share Your Bed

Whether it’s a friend sleeping over or a “friend” who’s “sleeping over,” sharing a bed can be uncomfortable. You sleep a certain way every night and suddenly there’s an obstacle you have to deal with. But after a breakup you’ll find you’d rather have a cuddle buddy to chat with than a comfortable arm.

#6 Bottle of Tequilla

Anyone who claims to like the taste of tequila is trying waaay too hard to prove something, which means they’re definitely a fraud and likely a shape-shifter. Even with a lime, shot glasses filled to the brim with that brown devil nectar are intimidating. Still, once the bottle is empty you look at like it said it was divorcing your mother: “ could it be?”

#5 Being Asked How Your Day at School Was

Your parents aren't really trying to find out how your day was. They know it was the same as the day before and the day before that. They just love you and want to hear your voice for a few minutes. It’s annoying at the time, but you’ll miss it when you come home from college classes to an empty dorm room or a roommate whose greeting is a shout to close the door.

#4 Having to Work

The work itself isn’t what makes a job unbearable, it's knowing you’ll have to do it again tomorrow, the next day, and so on. But focusing on the immediate task at hand and nothing else will alleviate a ton of that stress. Also there’s a tangible high from being done that is unique to a hard day’s work. Plus, when you’re unemployed you find out quickly that nothing happens from 9-5 anyways except waiting for friends to get off work. Furthermore, money is awesome.

#3 Single Layer TP

We’ve all said it or at least thought it, “Who cheaped out and bought this paper mache TP? Honestly I’d be better off with nothing at all.” As they say in about 50 cliché movies “Be careful what you wish for ha…ha…(snarl) ha.” It rarely happens but finding out there’s no TP, especially after the fact, is a curse you’d never wish upon even…actually for sure wish upon your worst enemy, but likely feel a twinge of guilt about.

#2 Going to Class

Whether you’re in a massive lecture hall or sitting on the rug cross legged, class is setting where someone is working for you. You’re the customer. It’s up to you whether to zone out on your phone or pay attention to an interesting topic being discussed. That freedom is lost once you enter the workplace where you’re only there to appease someone else.

#1 Not Having a Job

Being unemployed and vacationing are two completely different feelings. But not working is a great opportunity to better yourself in ways working people don’t have the time to do. Find a hobby, work out regularly, read more, play a sport. All these things fall into the category of “If I have time” for working people yet will improve you in ways that sitting at a desk all day can’t.

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