Monday 11 November 2013

Unique, High Paying Jobs You Don't Need a Degree For!

#10 Insurance Sales Agent

Insurance sales agents usually get in the game with just a high school diploma and some on the job experience or training. You do need a license from the state you plan to work in, but you need a license for pretty much everything. With a median salary of $46,770 per year and 22% projected job growth to 2020, surely you can suck it up and earn your license. Flo did it! She is a real insurance agent, not an actor. That's a fact. Don't look it up.

#9 Gaming Supervisor

The house always wins, and so do gaming supervisors! They rake in a median wage of $49,540. Gaming supervisors make a living by explaining gaming rules to the casino's patrons, addressing their concerns, planning events, and circling the room to make sure every station is up and ready to entertain us (and take our money). Previous experience is always a plus, but not a requirement. Lucky you!

#8 Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisor

A great set of arms and a median income of $50,500 sounds like a pretty good deal to us! As an aircraft cargo handling supervisor, you'll be handling aircraft cargo and supervising the handling of aircraft cargo. It's an important job. Yes, we all want our luggage to arrive on time, in the right city. Please, please don't screw that up. But, what most people don't understand is that we also depend on aircraft cargo handling supervisors to calculate the aircraft's center of gravity, making sure all cargo and baggage is arranged in a way that won't have us falling out of the sky. Again, it's very important.

#7 Illustrator

Illustrator? I hardly know her! That's probably true because if you did know her, you would know that an illustrator is a job with a median income of over $60,060. That's $60 over $60,000! And it's a great job if you're the creative type. Illustrators work on designing fonts, images for video and print campaigns. Illustrators often freelance or work with an advertising agency. You can also find them selling low quality sketches at local art shows, although that approach has proved somewhat inefficient.

#6 Paralegal

Paralegal? More like a pair of eagles! You heard us. Paralegals earn a median income of $46,730 without a college degree. You just try to not soar like an eagle with that! As a bonus, paralegals enjoy many benefits, including the opportunity to make as much as $83,000 while knowing more about law than their friends. They don't even know what a domicile is (so cute!).

#5 Home Care Aide Supervisor

A home care aide supervisor is a great career option for patient, kind, and responsible people that may only have a high school diploma or GED. They earn a medium income of $69,061 per year. Duties include documenting the client and employee's activities, concerns, needs, and planning home visits accordingly. Home care aide supervisors receive hands-on training. Just remember not to get too hands-on. Hitting sick people is usually frowned upon (usually!). Play it by ear. Hey, you're the supervisor, you can hit whoever you want!

#4 Subway and Streetcar Operator

If you like Subway sandwiches, then you'll love this misleading sentence! If you love a medium salary of $62,730 per year, you'll love a career as a subway and streetcar operator! In exchange for this unusually high paying job without a college degree, you can expect to work unusually flexible hours. Hey, people need to get to the movies somehow on Christmas!

#3 I.T. Freeze

You don't need a college degree to develop lucrative skills. The IT department is a good example of this. If you have the discipline to slave over books and tutorials, you too can gain the necessary certifications to be that guy they call when everything goes wrong. Sounds great, huh? Don't be so negative! Daily problem solving keeps your mind sharp, and the lack of student loans keeps your wallet fat. The median pay for computer support specialists in 2010 was $46,260. But, you can make even more if you venture into exotic markets like, oh nothing, just the South Pole! Remote locations need IT guys/girls (how progressive of us!) also. Like the National Science Foundation, which hires workers to run their labs on the South Pole.

#2 Non-Destructive Testing Specialists

Sometimes materials need to be inspected more closely than with the naked eye without destroying the whole thing. For example, if you're looking for microscopic cracks in a pipeline, you can't just chop it up, take it back to the lab, and check it out through a microscope. That's silly. Why would you even suggest that? That's why we have non-destructive testing specialists. Using ultrasound, x-ray, and fiber optic equipment, non-destructive testing specialists are able to determine the safety of structures and quality of materials without destroying everything, like you said. What a silly thing to say! That's not how you make a median income of $50,500 per year— by destroying stuff. Oh, you.

#1 Expert WordPress Developer

Over two thirds of the top 1 million sites use WordPress to publish their content. Everyone from the New York Times to CNN to your friend's blog depends on WordPress software. It's easy to get started, and you can probably whip up something using WordPress right now if you wanted to. But it's the experts that make being a WordPress developer a high paying job without a college degree (or college loan debt!). Make no mistake, though. Being an expert is very hard work and it can get really complicated, really fast. But the estimated payout can be $60-$100k+ per year, on top of the flexibility you'll gain from working online.

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